Clutch/Purse Essentials for Prom! (2016)

5:10 AM

 Hey homies!

As you already, probably know, prom season has already started. And special thanks to GCSEs, we are a little late to write Prom themed posts. But will this stop us? NO. I know some of you seniors are still getting ready for one of the most special nights of your lives.

Firstly, congratulations, you have survived being a freshman, through puberty, through all of the exams you've studied everyday. Most importantly, through high school, and now, you are moving in to another exciting part of your lives!

Not if you are planning to go to Uni. Unfortunately, you will keep studying, but you can make sure you will get the payment one day.

But this isn't the topic.

And I'm talking too much, again.

What I'm trying to say is, you will have this night for once in your life with all of your high school friends. And I'm writing this post in order to give you some ideas about what you might need while you're at prom.

1. Your Lipstick and/or Moisturizer

It will be a tiring and long night, so your lips will need to stay moisturized. Plus, probably, you will eat too, which means your lipstick will probably need a re-touch. It's △⃒⃘lways a good idea to have your lipstick with you, so you can use it as needed.

Also, did you see what I did in there? Yay Potterheads!

2. Breath strips/ Gums/ Mints

It's always good to have a fresh breath, especially if you are with people.

3. Cash

Even though if you have a date who will probably pay for things if needed, make sure you'll have some money with you. It won't hurt anyone and you can't know whenever you will need some.

4. Lash Glue

This essential is for people who will wear false lashes. False lashes may need some retouch through the night, especially the inner and the outer sides. So make sure you'll have some Lash glues with you. I would recommend you to try DUO eyelash adhesives, mainly because of the size of it. Plus, it is really a good product with a small price, which is $9.00, you can find it at any Sephora stores.

5. Super Glue

This is an optional essential for those who has insecurities that their heels/jewelry will break. Just in case, you know.

6. Oil Observing Sheets

I think this is an absolute essential for prom night, especially for those who has oily skin. I'd prefer Clean&Clear ones. You can find them in any drug store for $5.49. Padding them gently on skin would be a better idea then rubbing. Otherwise your makeup can come off.

7. Perfume Samples

You will use your perfume, obviously. And you may need it again. You can't take a whole bottle of perfume with you, one more time, obviously. So it's always a good idea to use and bring with you a sample sized bottle. Good news, homies, you can go to Sephora for one, and they will give you one for free! You can ask for a perfume that you are looking for, and if they have one in a sample size, I'm sure they will happily give one to you.

8. Bobby pins

Because you will be dancing, and having fun all night, your hair won't stay the same. You may need some bobby pins to just make sure your hair makes through the night.

I don't think I really need to write your phone as an essential, because most probably you will be bringing it. My one last advice for you is, have fun and make sure it will be a night that you'll remember forever. Wishing the best of luck for you all,
                                                                                                            Sıla xx

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