Prom Tips | 2016

9:19 AM

OH MY GOD GUYS! I can not describe with words, how much I missed writing! We all had exams and we didn't have any time to write, but don't worry we will cover it! ;) Aaaah it feels so good to be back at it again!

Today Homies, I'm here to help you seniors out there who has prom! Many of you might already have had their prom this year, but just in case if some of you didn't, I'm writing for you.

1. Practice your makeup. You should definitely try and see how it looks before the prom. And don't try something new the day of prom like your foundation which can make a huge difference in your makeup, you might regret it if does not look good.

2. Make a schedule. You don't want to be late to your prom, right? So plan everything before, know what you will be doing when and try to follow your schedule. Prom day, is not a day to improvise.

3. Bring comfy shoes or don't wear uncomfortable ones at all. After you dance and turn up all night, your feet will be begging you to take those high-heeled shoes off. Also, you don't have to wear them anyway if your dress is long enough to cover your shoes, wear something comfortable instead.

4. If you are not going to hair salon and doing your own hair, don't wash it the day of your prom, maybe the night before. It will much more easier to curl it or straighten it. (I'm not telling you not to shower though.)

5. If you don't have a date that is totally fine, that is a terrible excuse for missing prom. Like dude you gonna slay that outfit and have fun anyway with or without a date! Go on and bring your best friend, you will not regret it I promise.

6. Take lots of photos. You know, you might have been to a prom before, and you might go to a prom after the one you are going to go. BUT, let's be real that high school prom is the best. So don't think like 'Whatever I went this before too and I will go again.' and refuse to do it. Because after that night, all you have will be photos.

7. Things might go wrong. You know I heard so many people being late because of helping other friends and people coming late, don't do that. Helping is totally fine but put yourself first, help people who deserve your help and won't make you regret it. And if something goes wrong with your hair, dress, shoes, makeup or anything, believe no excuse is good enough to miss your prom. Stop for a minute, relax and think of a solution, search it on Google or Youtube. After that, go and have fun as much as you can.

Hope I helped, I'll see you in my next post. Bye bye! x

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