Back To School DIY Healthy Lunch & Snack Ideas

10:58 AM

1. Cold Pasta Salad:

Ingredients that you are going to need is;

·       1 pack of pasta
·       Pepers-or any type of vegetable that you want
·       Pasta sauce
      -First of all cook the pasta for about 10 to 15 minutes and once it’s done, put it in a strainer and cool it off with some water or you can just let it to cool then cut pepers or any type of vegetable that you want. Mix them with pasta  lastly add some pasta sauce on it and it’s done...

2. Strawberry And Yoghurt Cups:                                  

Ingredients that you are going to need are;

·      ·       1 pack of strawberries
·       ·       Yoghurt

-First wash all strawberries then slice them up into little bite size cubes,take the baking cups and place them into a baking tin after that fill the cups halfway with any type of yoghurt that you want when its done add your strawberry slices and now you can add more yoghurt to fill up the cups.To make it more cute add strawberries on the top of yoghurt then put the baking tin in to the freezer when its completly frozen they are ready to eat…

3.Rice cakes-with honey&strawberries :
Ingredients that you are going to need are;
·       Rice cakes
·       Strawberries
·       Honey

-This snack is so easy to make if you are late. Firstly you have to slice strawberies into small pieces, then grab some honey and put it on the top of your rice cake, now you can place your strawberries and that’s it, yummy!

4.Fruit Popsicles:

Ingredients that you are going to need are;

·       Lemonade
·       Popsicle holder
·       Some fruit

-Once when you have all your ingredients together, take some fruit and put it into the popsicle holder then take your lemonade, bump it into the popsicle holder and put it into the freezer, when it’s completely freezed take it out, it tastes so good!

5.Fruity paninis:

Ingredients that you are going to need are;

·       Bread
·       Nutella
·       Fruits

-The first thing that you are going to do is to toast o piece of bread then to spread nuttella over it and if you want your bread to be healty add some fruit on top and that's it!

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