How To Live The Fullest This Year!

8:28 AM

Hello people! First post of the year, omg I've missed writing posts a lot. Happy to be back!

1-) Create a bucket list
Type on up and print or write a list of your goals and the things that you've always wanted to achieve or do but never did because of laziness (learning a new hobby or sport, being more kind, saving up money for something that you want etc.). Decorate it in a way that it will make you feel better, whether with full of colours or black and white. It's up to you. Hang it on your wall or put somewhere that you will see everyday and don't be afraid to add more goals.
 2-) Take care of yourself
Taking care of yourself will definitely make you feel better. Drink plenty of water, get proper amount of sleep, do face masks, take care of your body, hair etc.

3-) Exercise and eat healthy
I'm not telling you to do 100 squats for a day and to eat only vegetables. Just decrease the amount of fast food you eat a bit and go for a walk, do yoga, search for some DIY drinks and foods that are healthy but also taste good.

4-) Capture moments
Do NOT miss the moment while trying to take a picture or a video! First of all, enjoy what you are doing and then you can take pictures just to have some memories left from those moments.

5-) Keep a diary or a journal/Make a memory jar
Keeping a journal will make you to be able to look back in your life and smile. When you feel sad, read the good memories that you have written in your diary, that will make you smile. Put different little stickers to all pages that you have written, as two or more groups to see that if it is about something good or bad, so you won't accidently read some bad stories and feel even worse.

6-) Read books
Books are an escape from the real world, they are the places where you can be ANYONE or ANYTHING.
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. -George R. R. Martin."

7-) Write books
Why not to try? To be honest with you, almost everyone fails at the first try. I've failed too. But the thing is not to give up and to stick on what you want to do. There is a clear difference between when I first started to write and now. I have improved a lot and I'm so proud. You can write a story on Wattpad, it is a website where you can read other people's stories and also write stories. Everyone starts as an amateur but then boom, you can be a proffessional author. Don't be afraid to try!

8-) Study
The thing is, if you have to study for college, you must. If you can't concentrate and don't want to study just think about your goals, having your dream job, your own house and car. Being a grown up. Sounds good, right? Yes it does. But no one have told you that it will be easy, because it won't. You can still live your life with studying for some hours. In the end, being able to say "I've made it." will make you the most proud person in the world.

9-) Travel
Travel as much as you can on the holidays if you have free times. Don't waste your days on watching neftlix, eating junk food and staying in bed. I mean you can do that too, but not every time!
"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." -St. Augustine

10-) Learn when to say NO and YES
Don't be shy to say yes, if you want to say it. Don't be shy to tell what you really think about someone or something. If you love them, tell them. If you don't like something, tell it. Be more positive, don't think about bad things, dream about some good things because dreaming is the first step of achievment.
In life, sometimes you have to say no too. Learn to say no to the people or they will hurt you. Believe me, people are cruel and they will make you upset if you don't stop them when you want to, just to be kind. No.

 Hope you enjoyed the post! Oh and we have a snapchat account, our username is h4lwrites. You can also follow us on twitter and instagram they are both @h4lwrites.

So, I'll see you next week people. Bye!


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